Bambino is a powerful script designed to automate the process of creating and posting content to social media platforms. Named after the legendary baseball player Babe Ruth, known for his record-breaking home runs, Bambino aims to hit a home run for your social media presence.


Bambino works by first retrieving data about upcoming sports events from a MySQL database. For each event, it determines whether a social media post should be created based on the event’s date and the current date.

The content of the post is generated by the generatePostContent function. This function creates a mix of promotional messages, interesting facts about the sport, and memes, with a 70% chance of generating a meme or fact and a 30% chance of generating a promotional message. The content also includes hashtags related to the event, location, and sport.

The postToSocialMedia function is responsible for posting the content to the social media platforms. Currently, it supports Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. If the content includes a meme, the function will upload the image to the social media platform.


Bambino is designed to be run once per day. It can be set up to run automatically using a cron job or similar scheduling tool.

Before running Bambino, you need to set up the database connection and social media API credentials. These should be stored in a secure location and not included directly in the script.


  • generatePostContent($event, $sport, $date, $location): Generates the content for a social media post. Returns a string of text or an object with text and imagePath properties.
  • postToSocialMedia($content): Posts the content to the social media platforms. If the content includes an image, it will be uploaded to the platform.
  • getRandomFact($sport): Returns a random fact about the given sport.
  • getRandomMeme($sport): Returns a random meme related to the given sport.
  • generateHashtags($event, $location, $sport): Generates hashtags related to the event, location, and sport.

Future Enhancements

Bambino is always evolving. Possible future enhancements include analytics tracking, user interaction, content variation, event updates, scheduled posts, and integration with other platforms.

Bambino is more than just a script – it’s a powerful tool to boost your social media presence, engage with your audience, and promote your events. Just like Babe Ruth, Bambino is here to hit a home run for you!

Contact victor @ lucci . club